01. Explore on foot in winter
Savour the silence and the purity of the snow, treat yourself to the pleasure of walking through fields and forests on snowshoes!

A fascinating climb in the quieter upper part of the valley which gets fewer visitors because of the steep gradients. A good alternative to the better known routes, through unique landscapes and scenery.
The route starts from the Plazze dei Forni car park, following a gravel track along the banks of the Rabbies river, past the old Venetian sawmill, until reaching the Gran Hotel delle Terme. Here, take the second turning on the left and following a level gravel track. Continue along the track as far as the suspension bridge, then continue climbing, following signs for Malga Stablasolo. When you reach the first malga, continue straight on, following signs for Malga Stablaz. After a couple of kilometres, the forest clears and you emerge into an unspoiled and wild mountain landscape, dotted with hidden waterfalls, splendid larch forests and Alpine pastures. The road continues uphill, passing Malga Stablaz/Maleda Bassa, to the destination of Malga Stablaz/Maleda Alta at 2,060 m, which serves food and offers accommodation. Return by the same route.
Rabbi Vacanze has launched a new rating system for holiday homes in the Val di Rabbi using ‘nests’. The aim is to provide full transparency about the information provided and the facilities on offer. Download the document to find out more about how they are graded.
Download the document to find out more about how they are graded.
Savour the silence and the purity of the snow, treat yourself to the pleasure of walking through fields and forests on snowshoes!
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